Sunday, 7 May 2017

Getting Study methods right

The biggest issue for anyone in his or her academic years is to gain knowledge and clear papers in order to get good grades and marks.

And so the biggest source of concern for anyone (in this position) should be to understand how to get studying techniques right.

Usually people try to read through the academic text and then just comprehend it which they believe is equivalent to memorizing.

But it is a faulty approach which only leaves the student high & dry during those crucial moments when the student is trying hard to compose and write a proper technically worthy & content rich answer while attempting a particular theory examination, a viva exam, a practical exam etc.

This only leads to either failure or scoring fewer marks which further leads to dejection and lack of enthusiasm in future academic endeavors.

People, when they are in their student years must be given some workshops about studying techniques with some working examples so that they can get a very good idea about how to study in an effective manner in order to excel in the exams.

One technique that proves to immensely beneficial for studies is the R4 technique which stands for Read, Recite, Recall & Repeat.

First a person is expected to read out the text. Reading should be done in a slow and steady manner in order to grasp the matter correctly.

Then the person is supposed to recite the matter either quietly or in a loud manner. This proves to be an effective second reading and also helps the person in retaining the first bits of data. It must be noted that the retention power varies from person to person.

Then the person is expected to hide the text and recall all what he has read and recited just now. At first the person would not remember much and even if he or she has been able to understand the concept then also that person would find it difficult to reproduce the answer in a manner which is academically acceptable to the concerned examiner.

Finally, the person needs to repeat the whole process in order to better the data retention in his or her mind. This is very important as repeated memorizing can help anyone understand and mug up matter in an effective manner which can then be reproduced quickly & properly at a later data.

This simple approach can go a long in helping the students in memorizing their respective subjects and perform well in their academic examinations.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Education might need a new approach

Education has always been pivotal for any person’s professional as well as personal growth. This is an undeniable fact and so education is always given top priority in any child’s life.

This means that almost everyone is exposed to some sort of an academic environment since childhood and hence education as a concept & as a field proves to be highly impactful.

Here we need to ask ourselves that if education proves to be so influential (which it really does) then should it not be reviewed from time to time so as to keep it in sync with time and make it more apt?

Education really needs to be looked into as some major changes might be needed to be incorporated due to the changing times.

Gone are those days when a student was going to clear his or her high school and then happily take up some work or when a student would do a Bachelor’s degree and be considered erudite.

These days everyone aspires to reach out to the highest levels right from there middle school days primarily thanks to the ever-growing & continuously evolving dreams of the parents.

Now, one awkward reality needs to be faced and accepted which is that not everyone makes it to the top or even to the table top.

Not everyone makes it big in life but every student subjects himself or herself to maximum amount of ambitions in school days and this really proves to be disastrous later in life.

Such students are unable to last the tides of time and end up flowing away with rising waves of resentments only to drown in the whirlpool of depression or fade away in the darkness of bad lifestyle habits.

Under such circumstances it becomes doubly important to understand the true meaning of education.

Education should be very vocational training centric and not theory centric. It should teach students to discard the elitist dreams and opt for a more contentment driven lifestyle.

Students must be taught the relevance and applicability of hobbies and so they should be encouraged to take up at least one hobby early in life.

It is very important that the right kinds of learning are imparted to students at the right age & right measures in order to make them stable and productive individuals who can then contribute to the growth and development of their respective societies.